Why some girl escorts earn a lot of money and others do not?

Hello girls!

Hope you all doing great!

As everyone knows in escort business many girls complain about bad earnings or that there is no work… Crisis, customers pampered, agency bad and so on … A lot can come up with reasons why you did not manage to earn good. I hold such a position that in all failures in the cause need to blame only yourself :) If you are in a bad escort agency and work at a loss, it’s your fault, not the agency… Or in my case, if a girl does not make money, it’s my fault. To predict which girl’s will have good earnings need to understand local customers where the girl is going to work. You need to know their taste and what they like, and the specifics of advertising in your choosen for escort job country. You also need to know many of the features and preferences that they prefer in appearance of girls in London, for example, very well run brunettes 18-25 years old and in the U.S. blondes 21-25 years old, while in Australia, quite different preferences and a girl may be over 30. This should be taken and noticed, of course, if you want to work at average prices or above average and not want to perform as a high class escort, so here’s the first thing if you want to make good money you need to understand who to do business with. I strongly not reccomend you doing business with new established agencies and managers as they may simply not know the local clients and business. If you only know a person’s phone number, you shouldn’t even discuss cooperation with them. If a person works in a lot of countries at once do not have to deal with such things. Everywhere means nowhere! It is impossible to feel all customers and understand markets in every corner of the world. It doesn’t happen like that! There’s not enough people for that. If you communicate not on a direct but through scouts and someone else that also I do not recommend you to have business with them as they will not tell you what your client wants exactly they will direct you there where you have a visa. The closer you are to your client, the better your chances of success. I have seen a lot of cases when girls with escort agencies earn little money, and how they later became independents and earned much more. Apparently, escort agencies did not know how to pass on to the client the full potential of the girl. That and all the problems in terms of earnings, not in crises or something else… Girls go not prepared well for an escort tour, communicating through intermediaries of different. They come and see something different from what the client wanted to see or everything else they imagined. And when clients are reluctant to go, the question is, what is the problem? Maybe it’s the crisis? Do people have no money? Really? Doesn’t anyone have any money? It does not happen … If a little work means to do more advertising for the girl, if a lot of advertising does not help means to change something in appearance … So when I ask girls to send selfies, you have to send selfies as you look in the worst light now, not as you looked five years ago when you was young and slim. We need to see the girl to understand if it makes sense to bother with all these tours, pay for ads, buy tickets and make visas with photoshoots. There was a case recently a client working as a doctor comes to a girl. The meeting was to be held at the hotel. A girl with a cigarette in her hand opens up in a smoky Hilton hotel room. The client apologized and left. He wrote to us with explanation why he leaves and what he found out what was smoked there. He’s an doctor, you can understand. The mistake wasn’t in the girl, it was in us because we didn’t tell properly the girl how to behave and contact with clients… Over time, the girl got bad reviews and the tour didn’t make sense. We broke up with this girl and she went to another agency. A cheaper agency with lower rates and lower client standarts. And I’m sure that girl is doing very well now! She’s found her price category and she’s doing great and she dont need to think how to look better at client eyes. For clients at lower price category, the cigarette in the girl’s hands is even more plus than minus. That’s why it’s very important to deal with the girl before the tour. Talk and decide how to make the tour better. If there is a desire to work at prices higher than the lowest prices, you need to match the category of customers with whom you will meet. Do not forget that this is still a job and a well paid job. And the result that is your earnings depends on you too. Good escort agency can only tell the girls how to work properly, customer preferences and so on. I know a lot of successful individuals, and if I told you how much they are investing to themselfes to earn those 30,000 dollars a month, then you would be unbelievable to me, probably. But its works. Want to have high rates and perform like high class escort invest money to yourself. There is many much easer jobs in the world than escort but if you choose this one need to invest money to yourself. Anyway… It’s easier with the agency, but don’t forget that you’ll still have to work. It’s possible to earn for any girl if she can adapt to the situation. If you will be able to adapt to the client that you are not afraid of crisis, not competition, not something else… You will always make good money in escort :)

I will continue on this topic…

Sorry for the mistakes… Next week I’ll ask someone to fix them.
Have a good day’s!
Your friend, John
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