Drugs and escort

Hey, girls!

Some girls said that all rich clients use drugs… Others said that they don’t use drugs once and still make good money. Let’s start with what happens when clients use the most popular drug among them – cocaine. And sometimes there’s nothing special… Mood rises, confidence rises, cheerfulness… At first it seems that this is it, happiness and a happy life, but when the effect is gone, there is a dreadfulness that everything is very bad and such depression that some even think about suicide. I’m the one who described the dreadfulness of good cocaine… I’m not even talking about the harm that excessive use of this substance can cause. When the body gets another dose of the stimulant, the body works at an elevated level. So it works much harder than usual. This mode of operation the body wears out very much. According to this, over time, the immune system sits down, the psyche worsens, begins to have problems with the psyche… The internal organs are not on vacation either… Cocaine is harmful to hearts and kidneys as much as it is to the brain. Of course, it’s less harmful than alcohol, but you won’t drink it every day. Anyway, if you decide to meet clients who use drugs and decide that it is your client, keep in mind that after a while everything will fall out of your hands. There will be health problems and you will not look so young. That is, after a year, two years you will look 10 years older, which means that then you have a job at the current price will be much less, because the jobs most girls who look young and vodro. And what’s the cheerfulness and youthfulness when your body is seeped in drugs. Also, over time, there is a psychological addiction. Without cocaine, you won’t be able to do anything. Patom will move on to buying your own drugs for your hard-earned money. Instead of spending it on something else. In the long run, you’ll only lose a lot from this lifestyle. And clients who use drugs, I wouldn’t say there’s anything special about… On the contrary, they’re not related to them because they’re unpredictable. All these drugs make their psyche unstable. That’s why you have to be very careful. If you want my opinion, I do not recommend you to get involved with any drugs and try to lead a healthy life. Girls, drugs don’t add to your salary. On the contrary, you will have to spend money on recovery. You don’t have to do that. Whatever clients and escort agencies that offer you a job will believe it all unnecessary and it does not matter on your earnings.

Health to you girls and big earnings!
Your friend, John
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