Hello, my Flowers! Thought I’d write you something else from my thoughts. Don’t judge too much for grammar mistakes and if you disagree with me somewhere… I’m writing my own opinions. And so today a girl is writing about a job. I told her everything, and then a question followed. Aren’t you taking too much commission? I said that unfortunately she’s like that, but she has someone to try and sooner or later she’ll be able to earn good money. The question here is. How easy it will be for a girl to do and how she will earn more. I can safely say that girls are much smarter now than I was when I started working in this field. Girls are much faster at figuring out what’s what. So then why these escorts agencies? And then the answer is very simple… It’s just that we’ve already made all the mistakes, experiments and experiments with advertising, with apartments and clients. That is, we have already had a lot of different problems and we roughly know how to solve them. We will have problems now, but we just got used to them and know what to do and how to do it. On advertising approximately already revised where to advertise and where not … What to do if the photo shoot does not work and where to do it. Yes, and many other things. Not all girls are ready to invest in the air money in their promotion, etc.. It is much easier that the most will stop on a rake to try at first to cooperate with escort agency. For example, a month or a lot of time. I know a lot of girls who cooperated for a while and started working individually. Well, they all looked at what we do, about what we do when some problems arise everyday, etc. And then of course it’s easier for such girls to work on their own. Opiateze, of course, they have other problems with their pathom… Well, they will make ads wherever you can… Well, there will be customers. And when to communicate with clients? When to check them? When to think about advertising and so on. ? For example, we have one girl, if you want her to earn enough, then go 10-20 calls per hour. And it’s not all clients. They call, they ask different questions, they wonder… Everything happens. But definitely not all of them come. They don’t all have enough nerve to hang out with. Of course, you can do something different, but still it all takes a lot of time and attention. So it’s a very philosophical question to work with an agency or an individual. I recommend the first time you come to the country, of course, to start with an agency and eventually work as an individual. But I don’t know how to work as an individual right away… Be prepared then just that for a while you will not be able to earn, but if patience is enough then of course sooner or later you will start earning. After working with an escort agency such experiences you will not have to have and save in the end a lot of money and time. It’s up to you to decide. If you need a cocoa consultation, you can say so.
Have a nice day and profitable tours, everybody!
Your faithful servant, John
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