Why do some girls work for a penny and others for a decent price? Some have homes, apartments, while others have debts and the crisis?

 Hi, girls. What a hot summer! I wish it were over! I hope you’re doing well. Thank you for reading my blog I am very pleased :) I decided to write here more often to you. So because I communicate every day with a lot of girls for more than one year :) Seen you honestly tell you everything … And as beauties work for ridiculous pennies and as not the most beautiful girls spend time for a very decent money. And yesterday! You will not believe it! I told one girl … but we have a commission of only 15-35% of the order. She didn’t believe me! She started arguing with me… She said how come. Why do you charge so little? She said she worked for $200 an hour in Brooklyn and gave half of it back! To some Belarussians. They told her there was nowhere else she could make money :) And the girl is not bad… If you look at the girls, you’ll see that they work for a lot more money. So the question is… I think it was because she believed that she could only charge 100 bucks an hour. And the other day I was talking to this girl… She’s from Brooklyn move to Manhattan. She charges $1,200 an hour. She even dont have good photoshoot but she still charge 1200 per hour… But she somehow manages to do it. And that $200 girl is way cooler and her photo shoot is even cooler! And they advertise her with her face open and this one for $1200 with her face even closed! So there you go. And honestly, I will say this, and 600 and 1000 for an hour all this is not so much and does not differ particularly. And 600 and 1000 client who will pay he will not haggle. In a restaurant, you can eat for so much for two, and you can not go to a cool girl? :) And those who go to budget prices which are so fond of Russian agencies to work well they know how … One agency says. Von they get paid and in those days we have a lot of work! It’s kind of sad, isn’t it? And the girls are beautiful and could work with those clients who do not come to the girls from paycheck to paycheck, but every day for fun. It’s all about attitude… One thinks that she will not work for little money because she is worth more and so it happens! She starts working for a lot and earns a lot. And others… Start working for little and it seems normal to them. Of course those girls who value their time eventually make good investments in real estate and other outside businesses. And there are plenty of such girls. You just need to choose which clients you want to work with. And the price is like a filter. The lower the price, the worse and picky clients and the higher the better clients you have … So what I’m saying is… Do not be afraid to set the bar higher and do not listen to no one. Expand your horizons and become better:)
Good luck and good earnings to everyone!

Your friend
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e-mail: hello@escortworkforgirls.com

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